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Mentor-Mentee System

  /  Mentor-Mentee System
Mentor-Mentee system

In Mentor-Mentee system, Students are allotted a mentor based on the preferences of students as well as approach ability / personality of both involved- mentor and mentee. Each mentor maintains a Mentee profile with all details like parents name, addresses, contact numbers, academic details and academic scores. Along with self-analysis of student.

Mentor counsel the students individually to improve their progress in the different areas like aspirations related to academics, inert-personal problems, career plans and other grievances.

All Mentor encourage the students’ participation in extra-curricular, co-curricular and other professional activities, along with the curricular guidance which motivates them and stimulate their growth and support in transforming them as employable.

I. Flow Chart of Student Mentoring System
II. Description of mentoring system:

1. Professional guidance: Mentor guides mentees in number of areas and issues like

  • Employability empowerment by Skill Building: Mentor helps to mentee to empower their development and learning skills through attending hands on training programmes, technical workshops etc. Industry based training via mini and major project is offered to student so as to enhance their chances of employability.
  • Research & Review Publication: Mentor faculty encourage mentee to upgrade their overall knowledge through active contribution to publish research articles, review, and technical papers in journals, National and International conferences.
  • Industrial projects: By catering needs of industry live projects assigned to students to know the real time experience and understand the expectations of the industry and making them familiar with the working culture & nature of the IT industry and mold them as per IT industry ready.

2. Academic guidance: Mentor guides mentees in number of areas and issues like

  • To secure good score in SPPU Exams: With student centric teaching and in a few cases, hand-hold teaching methodologies, all potential students are supported meticulously to make them competent enough to earn appreciable results.
  • Assist to slow learners: Mentor faculty in coordination with course coordinator give more focus on academically slow learners, by providing them model questions along with solutions, additional reading materials and extra classes.

3. Career advancement: Mentor guides mentees in number of areas and issues like

  • Value added training programmes: Students undergone vigorous training & Certification programmes such as Coursera, Udemy, Python and Android Development Programme to increase the job opportunities in corporate.
  • T&P Cell guidance: Mentor faculty in coordination with Training & Placement Cell helps student by providing Career Guidance and other Training apart from arranging campus recruitment drives.

4. Holistic development

  • Support and encourage mentee towards universal development through participation in social, cultural and sports activities which helps to ripen decision making abilities, leadership qualities, team structure building, and shapes their lives into rationally cohesive personality.
  • Mentor to counseling to reinforce student’s social relationships thereby improving their attitude, ethics and acts as boost their morale when in stress.