Director ZIBACAR,
ZES, Pune
“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”
ZIBACAR has been a mark of excellence as it offers top-notch education for Business Administration and Computer Application in a unique manner. The PG courses offered here are nothing less than a journey, an experience. It helps students to open their minds, make observations, derive conclusions and then build their own opinion.
“Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focussed effort.”
– Paul. J. Meyer
The teaching techniques here are just not about sharing of information. It is about enlightening minds to have a different perspective towards situations or issues that are to be dealt with. The teaching methods used here are a unique blend of technology and the ability to ignite minds of the students. The students are made to understand that merely acquiring a degree would not fetch them a fruitful career, but preparing themselves and setting a career goal right in the beginning of one’s professional journey would help them achieve success.
Welcome to ZIBACAR and experience the difference.