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Mentoring Activity

  /  Mentoring Activity

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own.”
– Benjamin Disraeli

This quote by Benjamin Disraeli exemplifies the priority we at ZIBACAR place on the students. We share our knowledge and wisdom with the students in the earnest hope that they imbibe these values from us and use them to achieve great success in the lives and make us all proud! The Faculty Member, also the “Mentor”, provides consistent support, guidance, and help to a Student – the “Mentee” who is in a decisive phase of their lives wherein they could do well with some worthy and wise words. The Mentors guide and support the Mentees when they are going through tough situations, be it their personal life, career or challenges faced while dealing with the curriculum. This ensures the students have a constant support system, especially useful for those students who are living away from home to pursue their education.