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Students Research publications

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Student Research Papers Summary

Student Research Papers Summary

Academic Year 2023-24

Sr No. Research Paper Name Student Name Journal Name ISBN No.
1 Impact of Fintech Sector on Indian economy Tejas Kotkar, Vaishnavi Kawasthe Impact of Fintech sector on Indian economy Indsearch Institute of Management studies & Research
2 Financial Literacy and Investment Behaviour among University students Komal Sharma, Kaustubh Kamble 100 Inter-collegiate Research paper competition-on Futuristic Finance: Technology and Human Intervention Indsearch Institute of Management studies & Research

Academic Year 2022-23

3 A study on computer assisted Education a tool for enhancing student learning outcomes Samiksha Chavan, Sai Gaikwad, Ashutosh Pawar, Jay Yele International journal of progressive Research in Engineering Management And Science (IJPREMS) 2583-1062 (March 2023)
4 Study on Artificial Intelligence in Psychology: Future Trends Shubham Waghmare, Ankita Durgade, Indrajit Jagtap International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2582-5208
5 Blue eye technology Yadav Shubham, Radiya Dhyey, Adling Omkar, Shinde Saurabh International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2582-5208
6 India Healthcare Situation and Emerging policies Akshata Bagade International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2582-5208
7 Role of IT in Women Safety Pawan Lonbale, Pooja Mane, Shraddha Kharade International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science 2582-5208
8 Impact of social networking sites on social interaction a study of college students Bhargavi Sutar, Aishwarya Karale, Sonali Zore International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) 2456-4184
9 A study of Machine learning to combat Dimentia disease Ms.Prapti Patil, Mr. Subhodh Awarkar International Research Journal 0975 2757
10 Descriptive Study on Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Why is AI ruling the world? Vaibhav Tayde ResearchGate
11 Study on E-Waste concerns and troubles in India Khushabu Yadav, Priti Ravatale, Gayatri Angaitkar International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science(IRJMETS) 2582-5208
12 Online White board the future of tomorrow Akash Fulari, Akash Hatagale, Dignvijay Humbe, Kartik Desai International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science(IRJMETS) 2582-5208
13 The impact of video games on youth Akash Gaikwad, Saif Mulla, Devidas kale, Sanket Lambhate International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science(IRJMETS) 2582-5208
14 Book chapter Blockchain in Education Chanakya Lahiri Advancements in Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Technology and IoT in Higher Education Advancements in Artificial Intelligence Blockchain Technology and IoT in Higher Education
15 Importance of Edge computing in IT Chanakya Lahiri Vidyabharti International Interdisciplinary Research Journal 2319-4979

AY 2021-22

16 Improving Online Customer Satisfaction: A Study on Biba Geeta Dilip Tilekar International Journal of Accounting & Finance in Asia Pacific (IJAFAP) 2684-9763
17 DoS Attack Stopover by using Honeypot and Data Mining Aishwarya Patil, Abhishek Kale International Journal of Scientific Research and Development 2321-0613