Impact of Career on Life’s Journey

Name – Shradha Arunrao Sherekar
Class – MCA III Year
Batch – 2019-2022
The career path we choose has a deep effect on different other phases of our life. They shows our position in society such as a our lifestyle, our social circle, and even our relationships with our relatives. In such things it is important to choose our career sincerely.
Our nation India is known for millions of talented, world’s biggest company’s CEO are from India such as Google CEO Sundar Pichai, twitter CEO Parag Agrawal and many more. After all we all are citizens of our country many time thinking about our education system and criticize it time to time and we can not deny the fact that is our UG and PG students are trying to build their career by grabbing jobs in big brands all over the world.
The first problem is that there is no equal in the market with qualified persons in the country. The increased population of India is responsible for that. Second thing is the paying packages offered here are lot of time not well as company’s from another countries. The reservation or quota system is yet another reason that qualified candidates do not get good jobs in the country. This is the reason why many qualified doctors, engineers and other professionals come from outside.
Countries like the US, UK, Canada, Singapore and Australia always look for talented persons for take their business for growth of the economy of their country to achieving a new heights. There are many opportunities for employment in science, technology, management and various other afield in their countries. On my way of thinking people’s those are going to others countries for a job they think “ it is a great opportunity to learn about new cultures and gain work experience in a different country.”
Many people has a dream of to flying a other countries for searching a good job opportunities. Some people are forced to take jobs that pay less than their education befits. Every year, many professionals are transferred to the developed countries for finding a job opportunities, And our country has lost such talent forever. But those have a great job opportunities in our country India those people I am giving some tips to achieving their dream job they are follows
- Maintaining their LinkedIn profile time to time
It is most important thing of maintaining our LinkedIn profile in order to attract employers attention. And being active on this platform as well as other job portals in search of any new opportunity.
- Creating and build up your network
We have to create a new contacts and build up our connections with many companies employees. And staying always updated for all things. That is necessary for build up new opportunities.
- Attending a seminar and programs
My suggestion is participate in such seminars to get as much information in the industry as possible and to meet influential people. Apart from this review our career goals from time to time and never stop learning.
These are some tips for newly persons who are searching for a jobs.
Thanks you…..