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Statutory Committees

  /  Statutory Committees
Fees Regulatory Authority(FRA)
Anti Tobacco, Alcohol and Narcotics Drugs Committee

The committee has to keenly observe that the above Acts/ Rules are being strictly followed in the Institute, hostel and within the Institute premises. If anybody is found guilty, they must be counseled and if someone breaks the law repeatedly, appropriate action must be taken against them. The committee is also expected to conduct various counseling programs from time to time to reduce the ratio of addiction among students as a part of our social responsibility.

Anti Ragging Committee

The committee has to strictly follow all rules and regulations in force as per instructions and suitable action should be taken on the basis of reports submitted by the anti-ragging squad. The committee is also expected to regularly organize workshops and seminars in order to create awareness among the students and ensure a ragging-free environment.

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)
Governing Body
Right To Information

With reference to above Act, to show transparency in Public sector work and to get additional information related to work, the Maharashtra Right to Information Act, 2005 is in force with effect from 15th June, 2005. According to the said Act, code 5 (1) (2), officers has been appointed as Information Officer, Asst. Information Officer and Appellant Information Officer. The committee will be in action till further orders