ZEAL Central Training & Placement Cell (MBA / MCA)
Zeal Education Society is considered a global brand in the field of Management & Computer Application Education. Our rapport with the industry is attributed to our alumni who have earned laurels with their technical expertise and sincere accountability. After stamping their class in academic and corporate circles, the alumni of Zeal Education Society today are the managers of business enterprises and IT Hubs playing demanding roles in the industry both in India and abroad. This is testimony to the trust and belief that industry has bestowed on us over the years and more importantly is a commitment from ZES to deliver the best. Apart from being the most active space on campus, the Central Placement Cell (CPC) at Zeal forms the backbone of our robust relationship with the corporates and industry. The reasons are obvious-here is where we train our students for recruitment and life skills and here is where our partners from the industry get the candidates of their choice!